`I want to make flexible module that contains different functionality and I want to combine this but using the same methods: <?php class Brain { public function ask($q) { // Trate the que...
`Unlike inheritance; if a trait has static properties, each class using that trait has independent instances of those properties. Example using parent class: <?php class TestClass { pub...
1、简介Laravel通过传统的登录表单已经让用户认证变得很简单,但是API怎么办?API通常使用token进行认证并且在请求之间不维护session状态。Laravel使用LaravelPassport让API认证变得轻而易举,Passport基于Alex Bilbie维护的 League OAuth2 server ,可以在数分钟内为Laravel应用提供完整的OAuth2服务器实现。...