2)Truncate tabe 不能恢复
3)Drop table 想也别想了
对于INNODB存储引擎而言,DELETE操作,不是真正删除物理文件上的行,而是给删除的行添加了一个删除的标记,我们利用此工具找到那些标注了删除标记的行,然后将其存放到一个文本中去,最后通过load data恢复数据;而truncate操作,是直接将数据行清空,并非添加删除标记(查看物理文件,执行truncate的表的ibd文件会缩小,而执行了DELETE的表,甚至比之前大)
1、安装Percona Data Recovery Tool for InnoDB工具
yum -y install ncurses-devel.x86_64
rpm -ivh glibc-static-2.17-55.el7.x86_64.rpm --force --nodeps
centos yum
yum install glibc-static
[root@localhost percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# yum install glibc-static
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, nvidia
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.aliyun.com
* elrepo: hkg.mirror.rackspace.com
* epel: mirrors.aliyun.com
* extras: mirrors.aliyun.com
* nux-dextop: mirror.li.nux.ro
* updates: mirrors.aliyun.com
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package glibc-static.x86_64 0:2.17-222.el7 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
glibc-static x86_64 2.17-222.el7 base 1.6 M
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package
Total download size: 1.6 M
Installed size: 7.6 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
glibc-static-2.17-222.el7.x86_64.rpm | 1.6 MB 00:00:00
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
Installing : glibc-static-2.17-222.el7.x86_64 1/1
Verifying : glibc-static-2.17-222.el7.x86_64 1/1
glibc-static.x86_64 0:2.17-222.el7
gcc -DHAVE_OFFSET64_T -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE=1 -Wall -O3 -g -I include -I mysql-source/include -I mysql-source/innobase/include -static -lrt -o page_parser page_parser.c lib/tables_dict.o lib/libut.a
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrt
collect2: ld 返回 1
make: * [page_parser] 错误 1
make 出错: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrt-gchjs-ChinaUnix博客
cd percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5/mysql-source/
cd ..
\[root@dns1 percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5\]# make
gcc -I include -I mysql-source/include -I mysql-source/innobase/include -o innochecksum innochecksum.c
gcc -o ibdconnect ibdconnect.c
\[root@dns1 percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5\]# ./page\_parser -5 -f /var/lib/mysql/test/site\_ksteam.ibd
[root@localhost percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ./page_parser -5 -f /mnt1t/mysql_recovery/ims_superdesk_shop_goods.ibd
Opening file: /mnt1t/mysql_recovery/ims_superdesk_shop_goods.ibd:
2065 ID of device containing file
58722100 inode number
33204 protection
1 number of hard links
1000 user ID of owner
1000 group ID of owner
0 device ID (if special file)
62914560 total size, in bytes
4096 blocksize for filesystem I/O
122880 number of blocks allocated
1540292041 time of last access
1540271592 time of last modification
1540292041 time of last status change
62914560 Size to process in bytes
104857600 Disk cache size in bytes
3.29% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:58 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 2068687 B/sec
16.65% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:36 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 8407901 B/sec
32.91% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:35 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 10226471 B/sec
43.29% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:37 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 6532560 B/sec
52.16% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:38 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 5581799 B/sec
60.17% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:38 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 5039744 B/sec
64.37% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:43 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 2641597 B/sec
70.81% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:40 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 4050286 B/sec
76.08% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:41 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 3313624 B/sec
83.38% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:40 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 4593638 B/sec
89.08% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:40 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 3587535 B/sec
92.44% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:42 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 2117094 B/sec
95.82% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:42 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 2122558 B/sec
99.19% done. 2018-10-23 18:55:42 ETA(in 00:00 hours). Processing speed: 2118950 B/sec
[root@dns1 percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ls
check_data.c create_defs.pl ibdconnect incrementalupdate.c INSTALL mysql-source pages-1494339302 split_dump.pl
constraints_parser docs ibdconnect.c innochecksum lib page_parser pages-1494339674 tables_dict.c
[root@localhost percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ll
total 3304
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 6269 Aug 28 2011 check_data.c
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 777976 Oct 23 18:53 constraints_parser
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 22172 Aug 28 2011 constraints_parser.c
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 12051 Aug 28 2011 create_defs.pl
drwxrwxrwx 2 510 wheel 4096 Aug 28 2011 docs
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 1978 Aug 28 2011 fetch_data.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 982552 Oct 23 18:45 ibdconnect
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 12200 Aug 28 2011 ibdconnect.c
drwxrwxrwx 2 510 wheel 4096 Aug 28 2011 include
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 8262 Aug 28 2011 incrementalupdate.c
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17960 Oct 23 18:45 innochecksum
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 9117 Aug 28 2011 innochecksum.c
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 74 Aug 28 2011 INSTALL
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:53 lib
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 2676 Aug 28 2011 Makefile
drwxrwxrwx 40 510 wheel 4096 Oct 23 18:44 mysql-source
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1448832 Oct 23 18:53 page_parser
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 15239 Aug 28 2011 page_parser.c
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 pages-1540292128
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 10608 Aug 28 2011 print_data.c
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 302 Aug 28 2011 split_dump.pl
-rwxrwxrwx 1 510 wheel 2046 Aug 28 2011 tables_dict.c
[root@dns1 percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ls pages-1494339302/FIL_PAGE_INDEX/
0-2475 0-2476 0-2477
[root@localhost percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ll pages-1540292128/FIL_PAGE_INDEX/
total 160
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 81920 Oct 23 18:55 0-273
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-279
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-280
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-281
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-282
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-283
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-284
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-285
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-286
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-287
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-288
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-289
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-290
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-291
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-292
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-293
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-294
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-295
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-296
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-297
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 23 18:55 0-298
[root@dns1percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ./create_defs.pl --host localhost --port 3306 --user root --password 123456 --db test --table site_ksteam > include/table_defs.h 正常情况下没有任何的报错
[root@localhost percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ./create_defs.pl --host localhost --port 3306 --user root --password fuckyou888168998 --db shop_welfare_20180912 --table ims_superdesk_shop_goods > include/table_defs.h
[root@localhost percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ./create_defs.pl --host localhost --port 3306 --user root --password fuckyou888168998 --db shop_welfare_20180912 --table ims_superdesk_shop_goods
#ifndef table_defs_h
#define table_defs_h
// Table definitions
table_def_t table_definitions[] = {
name: "ims_superdesk_shop_goods",
{ /* int(11) */
name: "id",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: FALSE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: FALSE
{ /* */
name: "DB_TRX_ID",
fixed_length: 6,
can_be_null: FALSE
{ /* */
name: "DB_ROLL_PTR",
fixed_length: 7,
can_be_null: FALSE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "uniacid",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "merchid",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "pcate",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "ccate",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "tcate",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* text */
name: "cates",
type: FT_TEXT,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 65535,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* text */
name: "pcates",
type: FT_TEXT,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 65535,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* text */
name: "ccates",
type: FT_TEXT,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 65535,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* text */
name: "tcates",
type: FT_TEXT,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 65535,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(2) */
name: "type",
type: FT_UINT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
uint_min_val: 0,
uint_max_val: 255
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
name: "status",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "displayorder",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(100) */
name: "title",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 300,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 300,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(255) */
name: "thumb",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 765,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(5) */
name: "unit",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 15,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 15,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(1000) */
name: "description",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 3000,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 3000,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* text */
name: "content",
type: FT_TEXT,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 65535,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(50) */
name: "goodssn",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 150,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 150,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(50) */
name: "productsn",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 150,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 150,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "productprice",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "marketprice",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "costprice",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "originalprice",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(10) */
name: "total",
type: FT_UINT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
uint_min_val: 0,
uint_max_val: 4294967295ULL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "totalcnf",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "sales",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "salesreal",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(5000) */
name: "spec",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 15000,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 15000,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "weight",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(255) */
name: "credit",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 765,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "maxbuy",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "usermaxbuy",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "hasoption",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "dispatch",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* text */
name: "thumb_url",
type: FT_TEXT,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 65535,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
name: "isnew",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
name: "ishot",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
name: "isdiscount",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
name: "isrecommand",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
name: "issendfree",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
name: "istime",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
name: "iscomment",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "timestart",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "timeend",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "viewcount",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(3) */
name: "hascommission",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "commission1_rate",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "commission1_pay",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "commission2_rate",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "commission2_pay",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "commission3_rate",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "commission3_pay",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "score",
fixed_length: 5,
decimal_precision: 10,
decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(255) */
name: "taobaoid",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 765,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(255) */
name: "taotaoid",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 765,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
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int_max_val: 127
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
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{ /* text */
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{ /* text */
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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char_max_len: 65535,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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can_be_null: TRUE,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
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{ /* decimal(10,2) */
name: "deduct",
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can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
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can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
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{ /* text */
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char_max_len: 65535,
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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limits: {
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{ /* int(11) */
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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min_length: 0,
max_length: 765,
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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max_length: 765,
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
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{ /* decimal(10,2) */
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decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
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int_max_val: 2147483647LL
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{ /* decimal(10,2) */
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{ /* text */
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char_max_len: 65535,
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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int_min_val: -128,
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{ /* int(11) */
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limits: {
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int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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fixed_length: 1,
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
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int_max_val: 2147483647LL
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{ /* decimal(10,2) */
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decimal_precision: 10,
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can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 765,
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can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
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fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
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{ /* text */
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char_min_len: 0,
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{ /* text */
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
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{ /* int(11) */
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limits: {
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int_max_val: 2147483647LL
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{ /* text */
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
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{ /* int(11) */
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fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(3) */
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fixed_length: 1,
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(3) */
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can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
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{ /* decimal(10,2) */
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{ /* decimal(10,2) */
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decimal_digits: 2,
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* varchar(255) */
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min_length: 0,
max_length: 765,
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limits: {
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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limits: {
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{ /* text */
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char_max_len: 65535,
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{ /* int(11) */
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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int_min_val: -128,
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
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{ /* tinyint(1) unsigned */
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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int_max_val: 127
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
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{ /* tinyint(3) */
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int_min_val: -128,
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{ /* text */
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char_max_len: 65535,
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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limits: {
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int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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max_length: 765,
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char_min_len: 0,
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char_ascii_only: TRUE
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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limits: {
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
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{ /* varchar(255) */
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min_length: 0,
max_length: 765,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 765,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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fixed_length: 1,
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can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
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{ /* text */
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limits: {
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char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
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{ /* int(11) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(3) */
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fixed_length: 1,
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
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int_max_val: 2147483647LL
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{ /* decimal(10,2) */
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can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
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limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
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int_max_val: 2147483647LL
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
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{ /* tinyint(1) */
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type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(1) */
name: "buyagain_sale",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* text */
name: "buyagain_commission",
type: FT_TEXT,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 65535,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 65535,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "jd_vop_sku",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: FALSE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: FALSE
{ /* varchar(16) */
name: "jd_vop_page_num",
type: FT_CHAR,
min_length: 0,
max_length: 48,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: FALSE,
char_min_len: 0,
char_max_len: 48,
char_ascii_only: TRUE
can_be_null: FALSE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "old_shop_goods_id",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: FALSE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: FALSE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "createtime",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "updatetime",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* tinyint(3) */
name: "deleted",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 1,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: TRUE,
int_min_val: -128,
int_max_val: 127
can_be_null: TRUE
{ /* int(11) */
name: "synctime_jd_vop_price",
type: FT_INT,
fixed_length: 4,
has_limits: FALSE,
limits: {
can_be_null: FALSE,
int_min_val: -2147483648LL,
int_max_val: 2147483647LL
can_be_null: FALSE
{ type: FT_NONE }
[root@localhost percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ./create_defs.pl --host localhost --port 3306 --user root --password fuckyou888168998 --db db_super_desk --table ims_superdesk_shop_goods > include/table_defs.h
DBI connect('database=db_super_desk;host=localhost;port=3306','root',...) failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) at ./create_defs.pl line 37.
[root@localhost percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# ./create_defs.pl --host localhost --port 3306 --user root --password fuckyou888168998 --db db_super_desk --table ims_superdesk_shop_goods
DBI connect('database=db_super_desk;host=localhost;port=3306','root',...) failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) at ./create_defs.pl line 37.
Error: Can't connect to mysql!
Usage: ./create_defs.pl [options]
Where options are:
--host - mysql host
--port - mysql port
--user - mysql username
--password - mysql password
--db - mysql database
--table - specific table only
--help - show this help
解决Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/tmp/mysql.sock’错误 - 似水流年 - CSDN博客
[root@dns1 percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5]# make
gcc -DHAVE_OFFSET64_T -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE=1 -Wall -O3 -g -I include -I mysql-source/include -I mysql-source/innobase/include -static -lrt -o page_parser page_parser.c lib/tables_dict.o lib/libut.a
\[root@dns1percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5\]# ./constraints\_parser -D -5 -f pages-1494339674/FIL\_PAGE\_INDEX/0-2351/ > /tmp/site\_ksteam.txt
-D 恢复删除的行;
-f 指定site_ksteam表的主键目录
LOAD DATA INFILE '/com/percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5/dumps/default/site_ksteam' REPLACE INTO TABLE `site_ksteam` FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES STARTING BY 'site_ksteam\t' (id, catid, typeid, title, style, thumb, keywords, description, posids, url, listorder, status, sysadd, islink, username, inputtime, updatetime, contact, titles, level, cimage, bimage, language, subject);
mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/site_ksteam.txt' REPLACE INTO TABLE `site_ksteam` FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES STARTING BY 'site_ksteam\t' (id, catid, typeid, title, style, thumb, keywords, description, posids, url, listorder, status, sysadd, islink, username, inputtime, updatetime, contact, titles, level, cimage, bimage, language, subject);
最后呢,还是想吐槽下,开始搞这个工具的时候,网上的资料,呵呵,人云亦云的,也不说中间可能遇到啥问题,怎么解决,最最重要的是, 此工具对在线运行的数据库进行恢复操作,会出现数据丢失现象!!!
Original url: Access
Created at: 2018-10-23 18:49:09
Category: default
Tags: none