[错误集锦]qmk_toolbox之flash错误No device present_he_han_san的博客-CSDN博客


>>> dfu-programmer.exe atmega32u4 erase --force
dfu-programmer: no device present.
>>> dfu-programmer.exe atmega32u4 flash "C:\Users\Michael\eclipse-workspace\qmk_firmware\planck_rev5_Dodger.hex"
dfu-programmer: no device present.
>>> dfu-programmer.exe atmega32u4 reset
dfu-programmer: no device present.
  • 之前flash好好的,今天想改键位时hex文件flash不了


The connected device is using driver ATm32U4DFU, but QMK Toolbox expects driver ATmega32U4. This could happen if you’re using TMK previously which use the ATm32U4DFU driver. Even if you had installed the ATmega32U4 driver, it won’t replace the existing ATm32U4DFU driver. So the solution is uninstall the ATm32U4DFU driver.
  • 主要还是driver出问题了


  • 键盘物理reset
  • zadig重新安装driver [注意:原文没有说明的,用这个东西,选择32u4,如果没有list all drive,改为win32驱动] qmk tools 只支持 32位驱动的问题?反正是可以了
  • 再flash, ok


  • 说是qmk_toolbox不支持 ATm32U4DFU,但我就是重新刷了以此ATm32U4DFU就ok了

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创建于: 2020-12-28 10:46:18
目录: default
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