我在Mac上执行安装命令报错 - OneinStack

问答中心分类: OneinStack › 我在Mac上执行安装命令报错

0 支持 反对

X-wolf 提问 3月 前

# OneinStack for CentOS/RedHat 6+ Debian 7+ and Ubuntu 12+ #
# For more information please visit https://oneinstack.com #

readlink: illegal option — f
usage: readlink [-n] [file …]
./oneinstack/install.sh: line 24: ./versions.txt: No such file or directory
./oneinstack/install.sh: line 25: ./options.conf: No such file or directory
./oneinstack/install.sh: line 26: ./include/color.sh: No such file or directory
./oneinstack/install.sh: line 27: ./include/check_os.sh: No such file or directory
./oneinstack/install.sh: line 28: ./include/check_dir.sh: No such file or directory
./oneinstack/install.sh: line 29: ./include/download.sh: No such file or directory
./oneinstack/install.sh: line 30: ./include/get_char.sh: No such file or directory
tr: Illegal byte sequence
tr: Illegal byte sequence
tr: Illegal byte sequence
tr: Illegal byte sequence
ERROR: unknown argument!
version: 1.7
updated date: 2018-04-20
Usage: ./oneinstack/install.sh command …[parameters]….
–help, -h Show this help message, More: https://oneinstack.com/auto
–version, -v Show version info
–nginx_option [1-3] Install Nginx server version
–apache_option [1-2] Install Apache server version
–php_option [1-8] Install PHP version
–phpcache_option [1-4] Install PHP opcode cache, default: 1 opcache
–php_extensions [ext name] Install PHP extension, include zendguardloader,ioncube,sourceguardian,imagick,gmagick,redis,memcached,memcache,mongodb
–tomcat_option [1-4] Install Tomcat version
–jdk_option [1-4] Install JDK version
–db_option [1-15] Install DB version
–dbinstallmethod [1-2] DB install method, default: 1 binary install
–dbrootpwd [password] DB super password
–pureftpd Install Pure-Ftpd
–redis Install Redis
–memcached Install Memcached
–phpmyadmin Install phpMyAdmin
–hhvm Install HHVM
–ssh_port [22] SSH port, default: 22
–iptables Enable iptables
–reboot Restart the server after installation

问题标签: Mac,安装,报错

2 问题

0 支持 反对

X-wolf 回答 3月 前


brew install coreutils


export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"


alias readlink=greadlink

0 支持 反对

oneinstack 回答 3月 前


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创建于: 2019-04-04 02:12:18
目录: default
标签: 无

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