首先获取到每个 topic 的所有分区 leader
import kafka.api.OffsetRequest;
import kafka.api.PartitionOffsetRequestInfo;
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition;
import kafka.javaapi.OffsetResponse;
import kafka.javaapi.PartitionMetadata;
import kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadata;
import kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadataRequest;
import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.*;
public class KafkaInfoClient{
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaInfoClient.class);
private HashMap<String, Integer> hosts;
private int timeOut = 30000;
private int bufferSize = 64 * 1000000;
private String clientID ;
public KafkaInfoClient(){
private void init() {
hosts = new HashMap<>();
hosts.put("", 9092);
hosts.put("", 9092);
hosts.put("", 9092);
clientID = "kafka_info_client_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
public Map<Integer,Long> getLatestOffset(String topic) {
//kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime() = -1
return getTopicOffset(topic,kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime());
public Map<Integer,Long> getEarliestOffset(String topic) {
//kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime() = -2
return getTopicOffset(topic,kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime());
* 获取指定 topic 的所有分区 offset
* @param topic
* @param whichTime 要获取offset的时间,-1 最新,-2 最早
* @return
public Map<Integer,Long> getTopicOffset(String topic, long whichTime) {
HashMap<Integer, Long> offsets = new HashMap<>();
TreeMap<Integer, PartitionMetadata> leaders = this.findLeader(hosts, topic);
leaders.forEach((part, matedata) -> {
String leadBroker = matedata.leader().host();
int leadPort = matedata.leader().port();
SimpleConsumer consumer = new SimpleConsumer(leadBroker, leadPort, timeOut, bufferSize, clientID);
long partationOffset = this.getPartationOffset(consumer, topic, part, whichTime);
return offsets;
* 获取 offset
* @param consumer SimpleConsumer
* @param topic topic
* @param partition partition
* @param whichTime 要获取offset的时间,-1 最新,-2 最早
* @return
private long getPartationOffset(SimpleConsumer consumer, String topic, int partition, long whichTime) {
TopicAndPartition topicAndPartition = new TopicAndPartition(topic,
Map<TopicAndPartition, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo> requestInfo = new HashMap<>();
requestInfo.put(topicAndPartition, new PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(whichTime, 1));
//PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(long time, int maxNumOffsets) 中的第二个参数maxNumOffsets,没弄明白是什么意思,但是测试后发现传入1 时返回whichTime 对应的offset,传入2 返回一个包含最大和最小offset的元组
kafka.javaapi.OffsetRequest request = new kafka.javaapi.OffsetRequest(requestInfo, OffsetRequest.CurrentVersion(), consumer.clientId());
OffsetResponse response = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(request);
if (response.hasError()) {
logger.error("Error fetching data Offset Data the Broker. Reason:{}",response.errorCode(topic, partition));
return 0;
long[] offsets = response.offsets(topic, partition);
return offsets[0];
* 获取每个 partition 元数据信息
* @param bootstraps (host,port)
* @param topic topic
* @return
private TreeMap<Integer, PartitionMetadata> findLeader(Map<String, Integer> bootstraps, String topic) {
TreeMap<Integer, PartitionMetadata> map = new TreeMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> bootstrap : bootstraps.entrySet()) {
SimpleConsumer consumer = null;
try {
consumer = new SimpleConsumer(bootstrap.getKey(), bootstrap.getValue(), timeOut, bufferSize, clientID);
List<String> topics = Collections.singletonList(topic);
TopicMetadataRequest req = new TopicMetadataRequest(topics);
kafka.javaapi.TopicMetadataResponse resp = consumer.send(req);
List<TopicMetadata> metaData = resp.topicsMetadata();
for (TopicMetadata item : metaData) {
for (PartitionMetadata part : item.partitionsMetadata()) {
map.put(part.partitionId(), part);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error communicating with Broker [{}] to find Leader for [{}] Reason: ",bootstrap,topic,e);
} finally {
if (consumer != null)
return map;
Original url: Access
Created at: 2019-03-25 18:59:24
Category: default
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