Codeception首页、文档和下载 - PHP 测试框架 - 开源中国

Codeception 是一个全堆栈的 PHP 测试框架。 Inspired by BDD, it provides an original way for writing acceptance, functional, and unit tests. It's easy to write, easy to understand, and easy to run in a browser or its emulator.


class UserControllerCest {
    public $class = 'UserController';

    public function createAction(CodeGuy $I)
        $I->haveFakeClass($userController = Stub::make('UserController'));
        $I->executeTestedMethodOn($userController, array('username' => 'MilesDavis', 'email' => ''))
            ->seeMethodInvoked($userController, 'renderHtml')
            ->seeInDabatase('users', array('username' => 'MilesDavis'));

Original url: Access
Created at: 2019-02-19 15:16:37
Category: default
Tags: none

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