vue做的一个一点就转的转盘组件 - u010459196的博客 - CSDN博客



<template>  <div>    <div class="luck-wheel">      <div id="luck-wheel" class="wheel" :style="rotateStyle"></div>      <img class="control" :src="controlImg" @click="startRotate" />    </div>    <h1 @click="isAllowClick = false">stop</h1>    <h1>记录转动后的角度 可大于360度 = {{deg}}</h1>    <h1>在360度内 最后指针停下的角度 = {{rotate}}</h1>  </div></template> <script>import startBtn from '../assets/img/btn_start_n.png'import rotateBtn from '../assets/img/btn_start_s.png'let t1 = 0let t2 = 0export default {  props: {    endrotate: {      type: Number,      default: 0    }  },   data() {    return {      // t1: 0,      // t2: 0,      divide: 90, // 平分度    注:必须修改      speed: 0, // 转的幅度 默认匀速 最好为两个角度间 90/10  的十分之一  注:必须修改      deg: 0, // 记录转动后的角度 可大于360      rotate: 0, // 在360度内 最后指针停下的角度      //   endrotate: false, // 传入endrotate      isAllowClick: true, // 转动转盘的开关      isAllowClick2: true, // 转动转盘的开关      time: 100,      controlImg: startBtn,      rotateStyle:        '-webkit-transform: rotate(' +        this.deg +        'deg);transform: rotate(' +        this.deg +        'deg);'    }  },  watch: {    endrotate(val) {      if (val == 0) {        this.reset()      }    }  },  methods: {    reset() {      t1 = 0      t2 = 0      this.speed = 0 // 转的幅度 默认匀速 最好为两个角度间 90/10  的十分之一  注:必须修改      this.deg = 0 // 记录转动后的角度 可大于360      this.rotate = 0 // 在360度内 最后指针停下的角度      this.rotateStyle =        '-webkit-transform: rotate(' +        this.deg +        'deg);transform: rotate(' +        this.deg +        'deg);'    },    startRotate() {      let that = this      that.isAllowClick = true      that.controlImg = rotateBtn      that.turntable()    },    endfuc() {      let that = this       if (that.endrotate) {        let com = that.endrotate - that.rotate        console.log(com)        let comdeg = that.deg + com + 720         // -----------------------计数时有问题--------------------------        // let x = com * 1 + 720        // let a = that.speed * that.speed / (2 * x)        // t2 = setInterval(function() {        //   if (that.isAllowClick2) {        //     that.speed = that.speed <= 10 ? that.speed : that.speed - a        //     that.deg = that.deg + that.speed        //     that.rotate = that.deg % 360        //     console.log('最终度数2')        //     console.log(that.speed)        //     if (that.deg > comdeg) {        //       that.isAllowClick2 = false        //     } else {        //       that.rotateStyle =        //         '-webkit-transform: rotate(' +        //         that.deg +        //         'deg);transform: rotate(' +        //         that.deg +        //         'deg);'         //       console.log('最终度数')        //       console.log(comdeg)        //     }        //   } else {        //     for (let i = 0; i <= t2; i++) {        //       clearInterval(i)        //     }        //     return        //   }        // }, that.time)        //-------------------------END---------------------------         //-------------------目前无bug------------------------        that.rotateStyle =          '-webkit-transform: rotate(' +          comdeg +          'deg);transform: rotate(' +          comdeg +          'deg);transition:all 2s ease-out'         console.log('最终度数')        console.log(comdeg)        //------------------END---------------------         that.isAllowClick = false        that.controlImg = startBtn        return      }    },    turntable() {      let that = this      that.$emit('endlottery')      t1 = setInterval(function() {        console.log('最终度数')         if (that.isAllowClick) {          that.speed = that.speed >= 120 ? that.speed : that.speed + 10          that.deg = that.deg + that.speed          that.rotateStyle =            '-webkit-transform: rotate(' +            that.deg +            'deg);transform: rotate(' +            that.deg +            'deg);transition:all 0.2s linear'          that.rotate = that.deg % 360          // console.log(that.deg)          // console.log(that.deg % 360)          that.endfuc()        } else {          for (let i = 0; i <= t1; i++) {            clearInterval(i)          }        }      }, that.time)    }  },   mounted() {}}</script> <style lang="less" scoped>.luck-wheel {  position: relative;  width: 6rem;  height: 6rem;  background-size: cover;   .wheel {    width: 100%;    height: 100%;    background-image: url('../assets/img/lotterydial.png');    background-size: cover;  }   .control {    position: absolute;    top: 1.95rem;    left: 2rem;    width: 2rem;    height: 2.1rem;  }}</style>



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创建于: 2019-01-02 22:43:43
目录: default
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